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Revenue model of $XDEFI token

The economic model of $XDEFI token is as good as the ability to generate revenue for the project.

XDEFI Wallet generates fees from several features:

Trading Activity

XDEFI generates revenue from swaps and bridge (applications/platforms using it are listed here).

-> 75% of the net revenue generated from all swaps, bridging and staking are used to buy $XDEFI on the open market.

These purchased tokens are rewarded to token holders who stake $XDEFI.


  • XDEFI swap fees are 0.30%.
  • Swaps fees via THORChain DEX aggregator provider are 0.15%.
  • Swap fees are more than 50% less expensive than the 0.85% charged at MetaMask and Phantom as of 15 May 2023.

This model creates a virtuous cycle for the $XDEFI token holders:

  • More XDEFI Wallet and Web App users means
  • Larger swap & bridge volume (and more fees earned), which means
  • Larger $XDEFI buybacks and greater rewards for $XDEFI stakers


In the near-term, $XDEFI staking rewards will continue to be supplemented with funds from the XDEFI Treasury.

Staking Activity

XDEFI Technologies will implement staking within wallet throught partners during 2024.

Here is our current list of partner:

While users will have the option to stake with the validator of their choice in the interface, the default validator will be a partner with whom commissions fees will be splitted, thus improving XDEFI revenue.

Liquidity Provision

XDEFI Wallet has partnered with to implement single-sided liquidity provision directly from within its products.

The swap fee are 0.25%, as voted on May 3, 2023.

-> 75% of the net revenue will be used to buyback $XDEFI on the open market and the $XDEFI will be rewarded to stakers.

Gas Abstraction

XDEFI Wallet is introducing an innovative new feature that allows users to lock up stable coins to pay for transaction fees in a "gas tank."

This reserve will enable quick and easy payment of transaction fees without the need for multiple transactions or disruptions in the flow of activity.

A fee will be charged when funds are deposited in stables into the gas tank (TBD).